
Tips to make your home dog safe

Published by Kelly Davies | Dog trainer
FACT CHECKED by Erin Roberts
Last updated: April 18, 2024

So you've decided to take a dog into your home? That's hearty fun!

But before you bring home that bundle of joy, there are a few things you need to do to ensure a smooth transition for both you and your new four-legged friend.

I will tell you the main steps to make your home dog-proof and get the necessary items in your home.

Making your home puppy-proof ( also for adult dogs)

Alright, let's start with the first step of preparing for your dog: making your home puppy-proof!

Picture this: you bring home your adorable new puppy and he is eager with excitement, ready to explore every nook and cranny.

But that will have to wait!

Before they turn your favorite pair of shoes into a chew toy or discover how much fun it is to chew on electrical cords, it is crucial that you make the space safe for them.

Think for a moment like a puppy. What would catch their attention? What do they mistake for a tasty snack or a fun toy?

Start by searching the floor for small objects that may pose a choking hazard, such as paper clips, rubber bands or loose change.


Trust me, puppies have a knack for finding and swallowing the most unlikely objects!

Next, look around your home. Are there any wobbly or unstable objects that could easily be knocked over?

Consider attaching tall lamps or bookshelves to the wall to avoid accidents. And those tempting electrical cords? Those are magnets for curious pups!

Tuck them away or cover them with cord protectors to prevent unwanted chewing.

Oh, and don't forget the garbage can! For your pup, the trash can is a treasure chest full of delicious smells and potential snacks.


Invest in a sturdy trash can with a secure lid, or better yet, keep it out of reach altogether.

Finally, take a moment to remove toxic plants or foods from your home.

Some common household plants such as lilies and philodendrons can be harmful to dogs if ingested, so it's best to keep them safely out of reach.

By taking these simple precautions, you will create a safe and welcoming environment for your new puppy.

Necessary supplies

Now that your home is puppy-proof, it's time to gather all the essential supplies to ensure your new four-legged friend has everything he needs to thrive in his new environment.

Think of it as shopping for your pup's starter kit - a little bit of everything to get him ready for success.

Let's start with the most important item: name tags. These little tags may seem small, but they can be a lifesaver if your pup ever gets lost.


Engrave them with your pup's name and your contact information so that anyone who finds him can easily return him to where he belongs.

Next we have the basics: a comfortable crate or bed for your pup to sleep in and sturdy food and water bowls to feed and water him.

Consider the size and breed of your pup when choosing a crate or bed, make sure it is large enough so they can stretch out comfortably.

Speaking of food, don't forget to stock up on high-quality dog food tailored to your pup's specific nutritional needs.

Whether they prefer dry kibble or wet food, make sure you choose a formula that provides all the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy.

And of course, no puppy is complete without several chew toys to keep him entertained and mentally stimulated.


From rubber bones to squeaky toys, choose a selection of toys that meet your pup's preferences and chewing habits.

Trust me, a well chewed toy can keep your furniture from teething!

Last, but certainly not least, consider investing in grooming products to make sure your pup looks and feels his best.

Depending on your pup's coat type, you'll need brushes, combs and shampoo to keep the coat clean and tangle-free. And don't forget nail clippers - keeping your pup's nails trimmed is essential for their comfort and well-being.

By gathering these supplies, you will be well prepared to welcome your new furry friend into your home with open arms.

Luxury items

Now that we've talked about the essentials, we can talk about adding a touch of luxury to your pup's life.

The basics are crucial to your pup's well-being, but why not add a few luxuries to pamper him even more?

First on the list: stylish accessories. Pamper your four-legged friend with a personalized collar that reflects his unique personality.


Whether it's a bold pattern, a bright color or even their name embroidered in pretty letters, a trendy collar will make your pup feel like a real standout.

But why stop there? Consider upgrading your pup's sleeping place with a luxurious dog bed.

From plush memory foam mattresses to cozy burrow beds, there are plenty of options to choose from to make sure your pup gets the beauty sleep he deserves.

And let's not forget dinner time.

A simple food bowl will do, but why not enhance your pup's eating experience with a stylish food bowl?


Look for raised feeders made of high-quality materials such as ceramic or stainless steel.

Of course, no pampering session is complete without a day at the spa. Treat your pup to a professional grooming session, complete with a soothing bath, blow-dry and clipped nails.

They will not only look and smell fantastic, but also feel like a true VIP.

And finally, don't forget entertainment. Invest in interactive toys that keep your pup's mind and body engaged, such as puzzles with treats or automatic fetch machines.

This toy not only keeps your pup occupied for hours, but also provides valuable mental stimulation and exercise.

By pampering your pup with a few luxury items, you not only increase the quality of life, but also strengthen the bond between you and your faithful four-legged friend. After all, who says pampering is only for humans?

Specific needs

Each puppy is unique and some have specific needs that require special attention.

As a responsible pet parent, it is essential to understand and meet these individual needs to ensure that your dog gets the best out of you.

Let's start with older dogs or dogs that have difficulty walking. For these dogs, consider adding walkways or stairs to make it easier for them to cross stairs or furniture.

These simple additions can make a world of difference in their daily comfort and mobility.

If your pup has sensitive skin or allergies, it is crucial to choose grooming products and a diet that will not aggravate their condition.

Opt for hypoallergenic shampoos and conditioners, and consider switching to a diet with limited ingredients or grain-free foods to reduce any nutritional triggers.

Mental stimulation is equally important for all puppies, but especially for breeds with high intelligence or energy levels.

Invest in interactive toys, puzzle foods and training games to keep your pup's mind sharp and engaged. These activities not only prevent boredom and destructive behavior, but also strengthen the bond between you and your dog.

And let's not forget the importance of regular vet visits. Schedule routine checkups with your veterinarian to make sure your pup stays healthy and happy.

From vaccinations to dental cleanings, preventive care plays a crucial role in your pup's overall well-being.

About the Author

Kelly Davies
Dog trainer

Kelly was born and raised in the city of Worcester, MA, and has always had a great love for dogs. Her parents, now retired, both worked as veterinarians when she was growing up, which sparked her interest in animal care early on.

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