16-year-old Chihuahua Was To Be Euthanized, But Thought Otherwise Himself

Published by Lauren Hunter
Last updated: February 5, 2025
Oude Chihuahua zou worden ingeslapen maar hij dacht er zelf toch anders over 1

Bitty, a 16-year-old Chihuahua, did not have the happiest life growing up.

He was found on the street by local rescuers and taken to a shelter.

But when staff saw that he was holding his head to the side and constantly shaking, they gave up hope and decided to put him to sleep.

Bitty, however, had other plans.

Fortunately, someone at the shelter decided to give Bitty a chance.

Gloria worked in an animal clinic and often fostered dogs.

When she saw that Bitty was looking for a golden basket, she thought, "Why not?" She took him in and decided to see if he would fit into her family.

After six months, Bitty became one of Gloria's 13 dogs.

A difficult beginning

Bitty's life did not immediately improve. He would not eat or drink, and Gloria felt that something from his past was haunting him.

She said, "He has been through a lot. Sometimes I wish he could tell me, but at the same time I'm glad he can't, because it would break my heart what he's been through."

Gloria was determined to help Bitty. She wanted to give him the life he truly deserved. She took care of him and gave him lots of love.

An impressive transformation

Over time, Bitty began to feel better. He became healthier and happier.

Bitty became a calm, confident and gentle dog.

He was not very loud, but he could express himself with small sounds.

Bitty changed from a dog who barely moved to one who loved to run around and enjoy the outdoors.

Gloria's life also changed.

She said, "He really is the light in my life. I keep asking him how he ever managed to live on the streets."

Gloria even suspected that Bitty might have dealt with cats in his past life, because he acted a bit like a cat.

He loved grooming himself and being around other cats.

A good ending

Despite all the setbacks, Bitty's life was now filled with love and joy.

Bitty can do all the things he loves, from running around to cuddling on the couch.

Bitty deserves all the happiness he has found.


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