Large Dog Watches Over 200 Young Ducklings

Published by Lauren Hunter
Last updated: February 5, 2025
Grote hond waakt over 200 jonge eendjes 1

When 200 adorable little baby ducks were playing together, they had no idea that a giant dog was about to walk into their living space.

Fortunately, this is one of those dogs that seems to be a bit confused about which species it belongs to.

In the video, this dog seems to think he is actually a duck instead of a dog.

The dog, named Dug, was huge. He was a protector and loyal friend to many, even to an unexpected group of friends - 200 cute ducklings.

Dug and the ducklings

Dug has a heart of gold and is the most loyal and caring nanny they could ever have.

"Despite being more than three times the size of the ducklings, he has nothing but love for them and the ducklings feel so safe with him too," the owners tell us.

The love of a protector

Dug's interaction with the ducklings was nice to see.

Despite his enormous size, he entered their living space cheerfully and settled down near them.

His calm and quiet demeanor spoke volumes about the love he had for his feathered friends.

This dog is obviously well trained. It is good to see that he is so loving and kind to such small, defenseless creatures.


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