Pit Bull Trapped In Abandoned School For Days Jumps Into The Arms Of His Rescuer

Published by Lauren Hunter
Last updated: March 28, 2025
Pitbull zit dagenlang vast in een leegstaande school en stort zich in de armen van zijn redder 1

This poor pit bull was trapped in a vacant Missouri school for days without anyone to hear his cries for help.

But even then, Ollie was still hopeful.

You could just tell by the way he peered through the window that this wonderful boy was eager to meet his savior.

And that savior fortunately came!

Waiting for days until someone noticed him

In an empty school, Ollie sat patiently waiting for someone to notice him.

He lived on mountains of trash and broken glass, and his sparkling eyes peered through a broken window, silently hoping for a savior.

He did not have decent food, water or a comfortable bed to sleep in.

There were only empty, cold, abandoned classrooms filled with trash.

No one knows how he got there, but when Donna Lochmann finally entered the building, she was shocked.

A surprising response

Donna, a dog rescuer from Stray Rescue of St. Louis, has seen many dogs and dealt with different types of behavior.

Therefore, she was more than prepared for the worst-case scenario as she entered the school in search of Ollie.

She wasn't quite sure how the dog, who had been living alone for a while, would react to a visitor, but once she approached him, she was very surprised.

This kind Pittie literally fell into her arms, as if he had been waiting for her to rescue him all this time.

Donna managed to leash him up without a hitch and Ollie surrendered on her lap, ready for the love and care he deserved.

Rescue and recovery

With the help of the rescue team, Ollie was lifted out of the abandoned school through the window.

Despite the harsh living conditions, Ollie had no injuries.

He soon became friends with the shelter staff and showed his gentle and sweet nature. Donna and the team brought Ollie to the shelter for further recovery.

A new beginning

Cassie and her partner, inspired by Ollie's story on social media, decided to give him a golden basket.

"My friend sent me the video of the rescue and we immediately fell in love," Cassie said.

The first meeting between Ollie and his new family was wonderful and it was clear that they were meant for each other.

Ollie quickly adjusted to his new home and left the days of loneliness and fear behind.

The SRSL team wrote on their Facebook:

"He doesn't remember being all alone, scared and starving in that school. He only knows what is happening now and he is being spoiled well."

Now Ollie enjoys walks, sharing a bed with his parents, getting the best belly massages and making new friends every day.

Ollie, once a dog stuck in a vacant school, is now a brand new dog having wonderful adventures with his loving owners.

His story reminds us that every dog deserves a chance at a happy ending.


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