Sad Mother Dog Who Lost Her Puppies Adopts 3 Abandoned Kittens

Published by Lauren Hunter
Last updated: March 3, 2025
Moederhond verliest haar pups en adopteert 3 achtergelaten kittens 1b

I have read many stories about dogs, but the stories that are the hardest to process are usually the ones where puppies go through something terrible.

They are so small and fragile, so when you see something terrible happen to them, it's hard to bear because the little ones haven't even had a chance to begin their lives.

This story is about a mother dog who lost her puppies and adopted kittens.

The tragic day of Milo

Milo is a sweet little stray dog who was rescued near the Mexican border with Arizona.

The kind man brought her to Sunshine Dog Rescue. When they took her in, they discovered Milo was pregnant.

She was not very far along in her pregnancy, so it was a heartbreaking shock when Milo went into early labor. Unfortunately, none of her pups survived the birth.

Milo's heart sank when she discovered that none of her puppies had survived.

She became a very sad dog, always looking around hoping to find her little ones.

Anita Osa, a kind person who worked at Sunshine Dog Rescue, saw Milo's distress and decided to help.

A surprising adoption

Anita asked people if they had puppies that needed a mother.

People who responded said they only had kittens.

Not to be discouraged, Anita decided to give it a try and brought three little kittens to Milo.

Anita Osa: "Picked up three new little ones. Seeing how Milo likes them."

Milo meets the kittens

To everyone's surprise, Milo welcomed the kittens with open paws.

She responded calmly and caringly. Slowly, the kittens began to feel at home and they clung to Milo.

Anita made sure they were well fed and happy.

Anita Osa: "From the beginning, I supplemented and bottle-fed. But they got the comfort of her breast milk."

A special bond

Milo and the kittens formed a special family.

Milo, despite her sad past, became a loving mother to the three little kittens.

Gumball, one of the kittens, got extra attention from Milo. She did not let him go far away and always kept him safe and close.

Finding a new home

Over time, Milo and the kittens became a happy family.

When it was time for Milo to find a new home, a man named David adopted her.

David's sister, who loved cats, decided to adopt one of the kittens.

A happy ending for Milo

Milo and Gumball stayed together and the other two kittens also found homes.

"These kittens got a mother they wouldn't have had otherwise. That it has such a heartwarming ending is something very beautiful for us." said Anita Osa.


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