Two Brave Rescuers Find Dog Curled Up In Dirty Blanket And Rescue Her From The Streets

Published by Lauren Hunter
Last updated: February 5, 2025
Twee dappere redders vinden een hond opgekruld in een vieze deken en redden haar van de straat

In the vibrant city of St. Louis, Donna Lochmann and her team at Stray Rescue of St. Louis began their daily mission to rescue dogs in need.

A job with many dangers at times, but she worked there with heart and passion.

"There is a dog waiting that needs our help!" said this experienced rescuer from Stray Rescue of St.Louis after an emergency call for medical intervention.

Her colleague, Natalie Thompson, immediately jumped into the passenger seat with the same passion and pride that another puppy would be saved.

Little did they know that a much bigger task awaited them on the streets of St. Louis.

A surprise on a side street

As they hurried to reach their destination, something unexpected happened to them.

Natalie saw a small, brown dog on a side street.

Donna was surprised and said, "Maybe it's another dog that needs our help.

Natalie confirmed that it was a puppy, but they were in a dilemma.

They were already on a mission, so they decided to check on the puppy after they finished helping the dog with a medical emergency.

The medical procedure went well and was completed quickly. They were all set for their next mission - saving the little puppy.

When they returned to the side street where they had seen the puppy, the little dog was gone.

Natalie was a little devastated. She began searching and to her surprise, she found the puppy in an alley.

Donna watched as the dog walked along the side of the alley.

The rescuer tried to follow her, but soon lost sight of the dog.

She walked to the end of the alley, where she found an abandoned building with a small field next to it.

A brave rescue operation

Inside the building, Natalie discovered a rickety staircase that led to the second floor.

She did not hesitate and climbed him.

When she finally reached the second floor, her eyes filled with tears because of what she saw.

She found the puppy, a small, skinny dog wrapped in a blanket, trying to find warmth in this cold space.

Natalie said, "I didn't see her walking on the property, so I assumed she had gone into the building." She knew she had to help the poor puppy.

Natalie tried to catch the puppy with a slip line, but she realized she had left him in the Jeep with the other dog.

She rushed back to get it, but when she returned, the puppy was gone.

However, she did not give up. She searched the area around the building and found the puppy in the open field.

Natalie wanted to gain the puppy's trust, so offered the puppy Wiener sausages.

The puppy was lured by the smell and followed the sausages. In no time Natalie had the puppy leashed.

She named the puppy "Dodie" because she had a cute little doll face.

Natalie said, "Generally this is one of the hardest moments of the whole mission because some dogs are really scared, but Dodie is really unique."

A visit to the veterinarian

After the successful rescue, Dodie was taken to the veterinarian.

She got a check-up and surprisingly, she was in perfect health, except that she was too skinny.

The vet's team put her on a strict feeding schedule to help her regain her weight.

A happy ending for Dodie

Dodie found a warm and loving foster home. She was surrounded by caring people, including her foster mother Nicolina and other volunteers.

Her journey from the cold, abandoned building to a warm, loving home was a beautiful story of compassion and commitment.

As Donna Lochmann said, "She deserves it. She really deserves it."

And so Dodie lived happily ever after, thanks to the sweet rescue team at Stray Rescue of St. Louis.


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